
الصيد بالصقور في أذربيجان



We are glad to inform you about organization of falconry in Azerbaijan by our company. This business needs a wide experience and we have got it. You will have 5 excellent districts of Azerbaijan at your disposal where your falcons will be able to get wonderful trophies.


About us

NameAbout Azerbaijan Professional falconry organizer 

نرحب بجمهور الصقارين ومحبي الصقور.  اجلبوا صقوركم و تعالوا للقنص في أذربيجان. بجانب الصيد بالصقور يمكنكم صيد البط و الوز و طيور أخرى. في الليل يمكنكم صيد الثعالب و الأرانب البرية. إن كان لديكم أي إستفسار نرجوا عدم التردد بلاتصال بنا. 

We are glad to inform you about organization of falconry in Azerbaijan by our company. This business needs a wide experience and we have got it. You will have 5 excellent districts of Azerbaijan at your disposal where your falcons will be able to get wonderful trophies.

Among our guests are hunters from Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE and other countries. You need only passport and veterinary certificate of your bird for importing falcons to our country. Duration of hunting: 8-10 days (more days are available upon your wish).

The level of service is enough high. It includes meeting guests and seeing them off at the airport in Baku, permission to import falcons for hunting, escort of hunting participants during the tour, organization of falconry together with skillful guides, transport and service of professional cock in the camp.  Attendance of manager as well as tour organizer is obligatory during your stay in Azerbaijan.

Here your falcons can get following birds: Stone Curlew (Eurasian Thick-knee), Stone Partridge, Quail and other birds. As well as for rabbits.

 It is also possible to combine falconry with hunting wild ducks, snipe and gooses. Possible to organize night hunt for fox and jackals.

Please do not hesitate to apply us for more detailed information. We are always glad to see you as our guests.



